Darryl Keil Last Activity 2025-02-12 2:48 PM
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Subject : Bag getting sucked in between sandwich and curved form
Posted : 2024-08-10 5:58 PM
Post #38071


I just completed my first pressing, and just to make it easy it was on a male curved form. The problem I ran into was the bag getting sucked between the form and sandwich so that the edges along the curve preventing the stack from getting pulled down snug against the form. The arc is 23 inches long and only the last inch to inch and a half do not meet the form so I'm hoping there is enough I can use for the finished panel.

Maybe one of you can tell me what went wrong and what I might do differently the next time. Here is more info on what I'm working with:

The panel is 28x23 with the curve on the 23" side. The height of the form's arc is a little over 5 inches. The form has about an extra 1-1/2" on each side of the curve. Maybe there should have been more? Or maybe make the form taller, like the arc of an ellipse, rather than the arc of a circle (does what I'm saying make sense?).

The stack itself is five layers of 1/8" ply with 3/8" Kirei Board show pieces.

The Kirei likes to bend more easily in one direction than the other, but in looking at the board the wrong way I ended up cutting in so that it needed to bend in the more difficult direction. Though in testing it I could see that with some torturing it could make the needed curve. But once in the bag it was a lot of work for the pump to pull it down. I wonder if I had started by only putting on the inner Kirei it would have gotten pulled down quicker, before the bag could get sucked under.


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Darryl Keil

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Subject : RE: Bag getting sucked in between sandwich and curved form
Posted : 2024-08-12 11:28 AM
Post #38072 - In reply to #38071

When the bag gets up under the lamination its almost always because the lamination are too stiff creating to much resistance. There are two solutions, one, make your laminations more flexible by changing the orientation of the bending ply to the more flexible direction or use more thinner lamination to create more flexibility. The other approach is to literally get up and stand on the bag and lamination when you turn on the vacuum pump. This will push the lamination further down on the form eliminating the bag from gettin up underneath. Simple but effective solution.

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Subject : RE: Bag getting sucked in between sandwich and curved form
Posted : 2024-08-13 4:21 PM
Post #38073 - In reply to #38072

Hah, I did try pushing down on it, but it did not occur to me to get up and stand on top of it! Well the next time I'll be thinking more about how I put things together.

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