Darryl Keil Last Activity 2025-02-12 2:48 PM
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Gino Monteleone

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Subject : Overheating
Posted : 2023-09-11 1:54 AM
Post #38045

I have the Industrial Hi-Flo pump. The pump works great using a bag. When I try and use it with 4x vacuum pods, it overheats after about 15 minutes it cuts outs until it cools down. I was advised to take the cover off, and this doesn't work either.

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craig tufankjian

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Subject : RE: Overheating
Posted : 2023-09-11 3:44 AM
Post #38046 - In reply to #38045

Same problem. To shorten the wait time I use my air hose to cool it down faster, point the nozzle at the vents in the back. On the upside, the thermal shut off part of the machine is doing what its supposed too.. If I remember correctly they offered a foot switch at one time to be used with continuous mode. Mine overheats because it doesn't shut down at 27 hg sometimes. So I think "continuous" means 10 minutes.

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Darryl Keil

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Subject : RE: Overheating
Posted : 2023-09-12 9:16 AM
Post #38047 - In reply to #38045

I’m surprised its going into thermal overload quite so soon with the cover off. You should easily get double that. Part of the issue is you are using a fairly high cfm flow pump with very low air flow. Air flowing through your pump is part of keeping it from overheating. There are two things you can do. One, is create an air leak of some kind so fresh cool air helps cool the pump. Not too much that your holding power is significantly reduced though. Second, put a simple household fan on it which will have a big effect keeping it cooler. Like Craig said, going into thermal overload is a safety feature which protects your pump, not a bad thing.

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