Darryl Keil Last Activity 2025-02-12 2:48 PM
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Darryl Keil

Posts: 1454

Joined: 2003-05-22
Location: Maine

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Subject : New expanded gallery and submissions
Posted : 2004-05-26 9:23 PM
Post #31562

To All,

For a long time I have wanted to expand the gallery on this site to include more peoples work. We are now in the process of creating a expanded layout for the new gallery and are inviting people to submit pictures and text.

What interests me the most is to have a gallery that has pictures of finished pieces as well as a couple of photos of work in process. Something that shows a particularly interesting or difficult part. Like a complicated curved part, being pressed in the bag or laying in a delicate inlay, anything that would help the viewer to understand the "how to" of the piece. Along with this, I would like some text as well. Describing one of these processes along with the species of woods in the piece and anything else of interest.

I understand that many folks probably do not have "in process" photos and that’s OK. Don’t hesitate to submit photos just because you don’t have process shots. My idea is to make the gallery similar to this forum, filled with shared information. Process shots help that. Of course, the gallery is very much about seeing one another’s furniture and designs. If you only have one photo that’s OK too. We may limit how many shots of any one piece but I have not determined how may at this point. As far as text, I would like a line or two at minimum. Pages of text would probably be a little much, will play that by ear as well.

As far as specifics go. E-mail your photos and text to vps@vacupress.com. Although photos don’t have to be professionally shot, they do need to be clear with good exposure. I don’t want to post low quality or out of focus pictures. One other requirement is that there be some veneer in the piece, doesn’t need to be a lot just something. Please include a phone number so I can call you with any questions if necessary. It will probably be a month or so before its up and running but I wanted to get things going now.

So if you’re making a piece now think about possible process shots to include with the finished ones.

Look forward to your submissions. Have a couple of really sweet pieces for the gallery already, can’t wait for more.

Darryl Keil

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Joined: 2005-01-03
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Subject : Posting pictures
Posted : 2005-08-20 2:04 PM
Post #32358 - In reply to #31562

How do I post pictures to the gallery? I just took my first piece out of my Vacupress, and posted a thread about it, but don't see it on the forum list. Am sure I'm doing something wrong.


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Darryl Keil

Posts: 1454

Joined: 2003-05-22
Location: Maine

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Subject : RE: Posting pictures
Posted : 2005-08-22 10:32 AM
Post #32361 - In reply to #32358


You cant post directly to the gallery itself. Folks send me their pictures and then I put together a page of their work and upload it the the site. I like a minimum of two to three pictures to create a page. I do require the pictures to be of good photographic quality. I don't require studio quality but they should look funky either. Take a look at whats up on the gallery, this should give you a general idea. Some of them are professionally shot and some are not.

Darryl Keil

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