Darryl Keil Last Activity 2024-10-10 3:42 PM
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Darryl Keil

Posts: 1453

Joined: 2003-05-22
Location: Maine

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Subject : Welcome to the new Veneering Forum
Posted : 2003-07-03 8:56 AM
Post #30902

Welcome to the new Veneering Forum. After 5 years we have upgraded the look and function of the forum. The old forum had become much to large and was beginning to "collapse" so to speak, as well as being unsearchable.

The new forum is fully searchable, making 5 years of information now easily accessable.

New posts always move to the top position allowing a person to address any message, even from 1999 and get an answer.

Be aware that you do not need to register to post a new message or reply to an existing one. Its your choice.

One thing that could not be corrected in the upgrade is the way the old text is put into the new forum. Replies that have both the original message and the reply together "mush" them into one continuous message. We apologize for this inconvience, at least all the information is there.

I sincerely hope the new format makes using this forum more enjoyable and the years of information in it more accessable. Providing practical information and answers to veneering and vacuumm pressing issues is the purpose of this forum. Please feel free to join in and participate.

Darryl Keil

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