Don Stephan
Posts: 825
Joined: 2003-07-18
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
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In addition to Darryl's dvd's and book, you might enjoy the dvd's by Paul Schurch. Cutting veneer with A 2" chisel really is as easy as he makes it look.
If you make straight cuts at the bottom of your starburst pieces, inside edges of your border straight cuts. If you want the starburst perimeter to be curved, draw the pattern on a single thickness piece of chip board from a local art supplies store; cut the chipboard on the pattern line with the chisel; place on the assembled starburst and cut along the edge of the pattern with the chisel; slide the inside edge of a border piece under the starburst and cut along the edge of the starburst with the chisel; and so on. Tint the urea formaldehyde adhesive dark and any small gaps will disappear after the glue squeezes into the gaps.
Of course, practice straight and curved cuts with the chisel on some scrap veneer first. . .