Darryl Keil Last Activity 2025-02-12 2:48 PM
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Subject : edge banding
Posted : 2005-08-28 3:01 PM
Post #32368

I have to put a 2 1/2 inch wide marquetry band around the front of an oval ottoman. Any ideas?

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Darryl Keil

Posts: 1454

Joined: 2003-05-22
Location: Maine

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Subject : RE: edge banding
Posted : 2005-08-29 9:31 AM
Post #32369 - In reply to #32368


Need a little more information about exactly what you are asking. Give us more details.

Darryl Keil

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Subject : RE: edge banding
Posted : 2005-08-29 3:41 PM
Post #32370 - In reply to #32369

basically it would be the same as an edge on a table 2 1/2 inches thick, oval, not round, 30x40 inches. Does that make sense?

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Don Stephan

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Subject : Re: Edge Banding
Posted : 2005-09-08 8:23 AM
Post #32372 - In reply to #32370

Are you looking for ideas for marquetry design? Substrate question? Clamping question? Joinery question?

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Subject : Re: Edge Banding
Posted : 2005-09-08 7:25 PM
Post #32375 - In reply to #32372

Sorry my communication skills are rusty I guess, too much time alone in my shop.
I'm just wanting to know the best way to clamp veneer,or in this case a band of marquetry to the edge of something, in this case an ottoman which is oval. It could be a round table edge, same kind of clamping problem. Would a strap clamp work? What about the vac bag? Would that clamp down on the egde as effectively as doing the top of something? Thanks for your patience

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Darryl Keil

Posts: 1454

Joined: 2003-05-22
Location: Maine

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Subject : Re: Edge Banding
Posted : 2005-09-10 6:40 PM
Post #32382 - In reply to #32375


I know this is a very late response considering when you posted the first message in this thread but I'll answer it anyway.

What I gather is that you are putting a veneer on the vertical edge of this table. Assuming this is correct I would do this.

Make a two ply, which is a backer veneer glued to your marquetry, and then glue this two your table edge. This two ply will guarantee a more successful pressing as it can handle areas that don't press at maximum pressure.

I would cut a double layer of 3/8" bending ply and put the band clamps on top of that. You could do it in a vacuum press but would need to block up your table on, lets say, a 2" thick piece of rigid Styrofoam so you get good side pressure. I would use just one layer of bending ply as a cover sheet and tape it in place so the bag doesn't shift it.

Hope this helps if its not too late.

Darryl Keil

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Subject : Re: Edge Banding
Posted : 2005-09-11 10:39 PM
Post #32387 - In reply to #32382

Thanks, it's not to late

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