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veneering mfd couldn't be easier.
there's probaby 6-12 different ways i can think of to veneer a surfce. assuming you're using the easiest non-mahcin 5-ton press, and are using urea-resin formaldehyde glue, the right choice. the repeatable procedure is this:
cut your substrate to size or lightly too large
tape your veneered surface together, surface side with blue tape. mis you glue and resin by weight (i use 1x7), then applyimmediaely using a roller
secure to the substrate with blue tape (remember, UF resin has no "tack time", its unsticky and then blammo... bonded HARD.cauls on top and bottom, tape those for reigstration, slide 'em in the bag, turn it on and walk away. urea formadehyde is temp sensitive, so throw a warming blanket on top to speed things along. don't use too much or oto little glue. too much and you will have seeping everywhere. thus it sis critical to gt your veneeer join extremely square and straight.
the edge banding is nothing. tape it along with the veneer and "check" it from behind to encourage it to follow the curve.
When the solid surface is removded, trim to fit, then join your solid wood eging. piece of cake.
bubble free this way. AND you shoot lacquer.