Darryl Keil Last Activity 2025-02-12 2:48 PM
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Tom Danaher

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Subject : Mappa Burl - Best Techniques for Hole Filling?
Posted : 2005-03-14 4:07 PM
Post #32108


I am veneering mappa burl to small boxes and would be interested in any recommendations you can share about the best techniques for filling in the voids and reducing or hiding glue bleed-through.

I am using unibond and a vacuum bag to adhere to the substrate.



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Brian Gray

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Subject : RE: Mappa Burl - Best Techniques for Hole Filling?
Posted : 2005-03-14 6:01 PM
Post #32109 - In reply to #32108

Three things that I can suggest...

One is to dye epoxy to your desired color and fill the gaps with that.

My usual method is to get rid of the defect by bevel cutting on the scroll saw. Make your pattern odd shaped, like a cloud, and then your eye won't pick up the transition. Your material is burl, so the transition will be seamless with this method....this doesn't always work with a streaky figure...you need to try to match the figure as well as possible in this case. If you're not familiar with how to do this, let me know, and I'll elaborate....

The other is to invest in a defect punch. I'm not sure if our friendly host sells them, but I know that you can get them through Veneer Systems.
Unfortunately, they go anywhere from $90+ to $200+. It seems like an awfully simple tool for that much money, so I've never bothered.

Anyone have some experience with the defect punches?

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Subject : RE: Mappa Burl - Best Techniques for Hole Filling?
Posted : 2005-03-23 12:03 AM
Post #32119 - In reply to #32109

I've had great success with filing the end of metal electrical conduit to a sharp edge and then deforming it with a hammer. Simpler yet, I mounted the conduit on my lathe and then held a file over it to sharpen.
The veneer doesn't care if the tool is a $200 punch or $.29 conduit. It works very well for punching out the bad area and punching out a new patch. Just carefully push the new patch out of the conduit with a long dowel.

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Darryl Keil

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Subject : RE: Mappa Burl - Best Techniques for Hole Filling?
Posted : 2005-03-27 5:05 PM
Post #32125 - In reply to #32108


How big are your voids?

How I handle this greatly depends on the size of the hole.

Darryl Keil

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Ron Grabler

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Subject : RE: Mappa Burl - Best Techniques for Hole Filling?
Posted : 2005-04-06 9:23 PM
Post #32152 - In reply to #32108

I've found the best way to fill the small holes is to use sand to about 200 grit, vacumm the surface completely, which will remove any debris and then use a clear grain filler. Working with Mappa burl, it is essential to fill the grain. Of course you can achieve a textured look by not filling it, just put an initial wash coat of shellac.

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