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Jay Edmonds
I've been fighting that 30 mil poly bag tooth and nail for five years. Getting Unibond off has always been a major problem; I've tried everything. Today, dealing with a really dirty bag that was long overdue a cleaning, I staked out a tarp on a sloping lawn, washed all four surfaces of the bag with Ivory liquid solution, rinsing with hose frequently. So far, same procedure as always, and, as usual, there were a bunch of spots of dried Unibond that needed removal. Don't know why I did it, but I found myself pinching the bag (sort of folding the spot in half), then rolling it back and forth between pinched fingers; later, for bigger spots, I was holding the bag down firmly with one hand while I "rolled" the big spots (folded in the middle of the spot) of dried glue back and forth with the heel of my palm. Eureka! This method breaks up the glue into tiny fragments that you can just whisk away with a mildly abrasive scouring pad.