Darryl Keil Last Activity 2025-02-12 2:48 PM
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Dan Cook

Subject : veneer checking
Posted : 2004-04-23 5:04 PM
Post #31474

I have had a couple of tables with veneer faces check after a year or so in the persons residence. I used urea formeldayde glue and laid it up on mdf substrate. I veneered both sides of the panel with similar veneers. I am wondering what else could have caused this problem. One was a quilted maple and the other was a quilted mahogany. Thanks for any input.

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Carl Stammerjohn

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Subject : RE: veneer checking
Posted : 2004-04-24 10:41 AM
Post #31475 - In reply to #31474

Can you describe the checking in more detail? What kind of finish did you use?

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Dan Cook

Subject : RE: veneer checking
Posted : 2004-04-24 1:02 PM
Post #31477 - In reply to #31475

We used ML Campbells Krystal conversion varnish, however at least in one of the cases (quilted mahogany) the checking was in the wood...not the finish. The veneer appeared to have small checks approximately 1/8" long over the entire surface in probably 1/2" intervals. I wish now that I had taken a picture of it so you could actually see the piece. I have seen this happen a couple of times and just would like to know how to avoid it in the future. It didn't show up until after a year or more, but these were on beautiful pieces and I don't want it to happen again. Thanks!

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mike hide

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Subject : RE: veneer checking
Posted : 2005-06-25 10:33 AM
Post #32284 - In reply to #31477

I have used MLCampbells product also .and have had similar finish problems .I am currently talking with the manufacturer.

the major difference is the problem I describe is on a solid mahogany top .see photos

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Darryl Keil

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Subject : RE: veneer checking
Posted : 2005-06-28 9:37 AM
Post #32291 - In reply to #31474


Well, nothing really jumps out at me. MDF, urea glue, vacuum press, and not a particularly difficult veneer. Should be no problem. Guess I would try to isolate anything about this project that might be a clue. Like, were both the mahogany and maple done at the same time, if yes, then were other tables pressed at a different time with similar circumstances showing the same problem? If not, then is the problem isolated to just these two tables? Is there a chance the veneer was somewhat damp when pressed? A really rainy day with very high humidity? Low temperature when pressed? Urea glues are very sensitive to low temperatures.

This is how I would go about attempting to figure it out. The big question is, is this an isolated occurrence or a general problem?

Darryl Keil

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