Darryl Keil Last Activity 2025-02-12 2:48 PM
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Subject : two-ply rookie question - shelf life.
Posted : 2020-08-25 4:44 PM
Post #37953

Ok, I am no rookie to veneering, but I am with two-ply. I agreed to make a replacement top for my sister. She has an old cabinet, that needs a new top. We decided I would make a two-ply and bring it to her and apply with contact cement. I hate contact cement, but this seems like the only way to get a new top surface since the cabinet isn't going into a bag!

I bought a batch of red oak for both plys, cut and taped. Grains at 90 degrees. Is it ok, to press this and possibly wait a few weeks before the final installation? I can keep it between cauls and ensure it does not curl or warp. Or should I head up to her the day after I press it and get it on asap?

I am planning on using Unibond 800 to make the two-ply

Thanks, Carl

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Darryl Keil

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Subject : RE: two-ply rookie question - shelf life.
Posted : 2020-08-25 5:18 PM
Post #37954 - In reply to #37953

As long as you keep it stored between a couple sheets of plywood to keep it flat after pressing you can wait as long as you like.

A suggestion about the contact cement. Rather than applying contact cement to the entire surface, mask off about an inch around the edge of the cabinet top and two ply, apply the contact cement, remove the masking tape and apply yellow glue in this area. This way the contact cement will adhere most of the two ply to the cabinet top and the perimeter can be clamped. With this approach the two ply can never “lift” around the edges as you have clamped and glued this with the yellow glue rather than letting the contact cement go all the way out to the cabinet top edges.

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Subject : RE: two-ply rookie question - shelf life.
Posted : 2020-08-25 6:37 PM
Post #37955 - In reply to #37954

Thanks Darryl for the never ending support. Great idea for the border!

How much clamping do I need? If I use a 3/4" caul, are clamps every 6" ok?

Or can I use tape? Since only the last inch really needs to be held down?


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Darryl Keil

Posts: 1454

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Subject : RE: two-ply rookie question - shelf life.
Posted : 2020-08-27 8:34 AM
Post #37956 - In reply to #37955

Personally I would not use tape but a 3/4” caul should be fine, its just for the edges anyway.

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