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Rick Long

Subject : MDF warped
Posted : 2005-09-14 12:56 PM
Post #32400

I just finished a marquetry table top with mdf that is 34" round and 3/4 thick.The underside also has been veneered.When spraying a top coat,should both sides have the same amount of coats so that it doesnt warp?Is it somewhat common for 3/4" mdf to warp?
I noticed after the assembly that about 1/3 of the table top has warped downward so that it is about 1/4" off.It is possible that a little bit of sun got to part of the table after spraying acoat on.Would that do it?Any replies would be appreciated.Thanks


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Don Stephan

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Subject : Warped MDF
Posted : 2005-09-14 1:05 PM
Post #32401 - In reply to #32400


Could you expand on the veneering of the two surfaces? Did each side get a single layer of veneer or did one get a two ply veneer? What was the time interval between veneering one side and the other? Did you use the same adhesive and the same amounts? Were both sides vacuum veneered? Was the supporting table top perfectly flat? How long between gluing and spraying? Is there any chance the top was warped before beginning spraying? I'm not trying to be petty, just better understand the process.

1/4" seems like a lot of warp for a 34" diameter table top. Your post says you noticed the warp after assembly. If you remove the top, is it still warped? Perhaps the base assembly is warped and the top is flat?


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Subject : RE: MDF warped
Posted : 2005-09-14 3:22 PM
Post #32403 - In reply to #32400

To add to what Don has asked above. Did you have this sitting flat on a worksurface so air could get to the top but not the bottom or vice versa. Normally a top will not warp after it has cured and stabilized unless a condition exists where the moisture can change on one side only.

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Subject : RE: MDF warped
Posted : 2005-09-14 9:29 PM
Post #32407 - In reply to #32400

Rick, if you are using a vacuum press, make sure that your platten is flat. It is easy for it to sag a little if not properly supported, and it is possible for the piece that you veneered to conform to this curve.

Hope this helps


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