Darryl Keil Last Activity 2025-02-12 2:48 PM
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Joined: 2005-01-03
Location: Monroe City, Indiana

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Subject : Which Vacu Press???
Posted : 2005-01-03 11:43 PM
Post #31958

I'm sure this subject has been covered before, but I am a new member to this forum, and am confused as to which Vacuum pump system I need. I am a one-person woodworking shop, designing and making small furniture and furnishings, with a passion for veneering and marquetry. To date, I have veneered jewelry boxes, drawer fronts and other small projects (clamped with cauls), but want to expand into marquetry for table tops and other larger projects. Obviously, I need a vacuum system, but will never be on a large production basis. I'm not sure the Compact 100 pump is what I need, yet cost is a major factor. Can someone advise me to the benefits or disadvantages to the Air Powered Systems (4 CFM) as compared to the Standard System (5 CFM)?

Thank you for your input!

Tom Simpson

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Darryl Keil

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Subject : RE: Which Vacu Press???
Posted : 2005-01-04 6:07 PM
Post #31963 - In reply to #31958


Both are good units and the choice is really personal preference and how you use your compressor. Some folks dont want to be tied into compressed air and others dont mind. Be aware that at some point you will want to press something overnight and the AirPowered unit will require your compressor to be on when you are not there. Some dont like this, other its no problem. For the AirPowered system you would need a minimum 1 1/2 HP compressor.

Also, feel free to call us if you would like to talk it over further.

Darryl Keil

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Posts: 4

Joined: 2005-01-03
Location: Monroe City, Indiana

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Subject : RE: Which Vacu Press???
Posted : 2005-01-04 10:08 PM
Post #31966 - In reply to #31963

Thank you, Darryl! I will be calling you in the near future. My budget is limited, but I want to get what is right for my needs, both now, and in the future.



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Carl Morrell

Subject : RE: Which Vacu Press???
Posted : 2005-01-05 3:50 PM
Post #31967 - In reply to #31963

When I decided to get into vacuum veneering, I thought the Compact 100 was a toy, and was ready to buy one of the compressor driven pumps. Darryl talked me into the Compact 100. I really respect him for talking me out of a $500-$600 sale and into a $300 one. Many business-folk would not do that.

I have really gotten a lot of mileage out of the Compact 100. I run it overnight all the time. It has been absolutely 100 percent reliable.

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