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Don Stephan

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Subject : Flattening Veneer with Splits
Posted : 2018-06-13 9:41 AM
Post #37770

Occasionally a piece of wrinkled veneer will have one or more tight splits at an end. It is expected that the process of wetting the veneer with flattening solution and then allowing it to dry may cause the split to open due to uneven drying shrinkage. Yesterday I started flattening a couple 30" x 40" pieces of mottled makore, and one split about 6" into the sheet while I was changing the drying paper. This morning during another paper change it appears that the split is opening as it dries.

Usually I run a strip of 3/4" or 1" Scotch brand blue masking tape across the end of each leaf of veneer when I receive it, hoping to prevent splits during handling. At that time I will apply cross strips every 3" and one lengthwise on any pre-existing split. I'm not sure how easily this blue masking tape will be removed after the flattening process is completed.

Is there a suggested tape (Scotch blue masking tape, veneer paper tape, . . .) to use to hold together pre-existing splits and to reinforce the ends of veneer that is about to be flattened with solution and
pressing, allowing for the possibility that taped area may be part of the final visible marquetry or other veneer surface?

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Aaron Paris

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Subject : RE: Flattening Veneer with Splits
Posted : 2018-06-15 8:35 AM
Post #37771 - In reply to #37770

I have found that the softening solution usually will release any bond that the tape may have on it. So I just usually pay close attention to the cracked or damaged leaf of veneer trying not to damage it any further and repair that portion once the softening process is complete.

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Darryl Keil

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Subject : RE: Flattening Veneer with Splits
Posted : 2018-06-15 9:38 AM
Post #37772 - In reply to #37770

I am sorry to say I have not found a way to prevent splits from getting worse once I’ve flattened. I simply dont consider the portion of the veneer I’m flattening with splits to be part of what I will end up using. Sometimes this can be frustrating as the best figure is right where the split is...arg!!

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