Darryl Keil Last Activity 2025-02-12 2:48 PM
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John Lloyd

Subject : Caul material
Posted : 2005-10-22 2:58 PM
Post #32494

What is the best caul naterial for covering the veneer prior to vacuum?. I use alot of veneer that has small voids(burls) and a lot of glue comes thru. Need something that will not stick...but has some meat ot it. Thanks

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Brian Gray

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Subject : RE: Caul material
Posted : 2005-10-22 4:03 PM
Post #32495 - In reply to #32494

I use hardboard typically.

Most hardboard has a textured side. I try to buy stuff that is non-textured, but if I can't find it, the textured side goes opposite the veneer side.

As far as glue sticking to cauls go, I usually wrap my project in wax paper, or release paper, so it's not an issue.

If you wanted to, you could use melamine if you don't want to bother with wax paper, but you still run the risk of getting glue on your bag. And typically melamine is more expensive than hardboard.

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Subject : RE: Caul material
Posted : 2005-10-22 4:55 PM
Post #32496 - In reply to #32494


I use 1/4" melamine round the edges and spray it down with Top Coat. Sometimes on very porous veneer or when over gluing, it will stick, just flex the panel and comes right off.

On curved pieces I use wax paper as a cover and either the bag alone or a curv-a-board caul.

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