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Jeff Jackson

Subject : First Veneering Job Tonight!!
Posted : 2005-10-14 9:35 AM
Post #32481

Gents and Ladies,

I am veneering a piece of walnut burl onto a piece of 3/4" ply. I have my Vacupress and my Unibond 800 and have been getting ready for tonight. I am about to cross over the threshold of my first attempt at veneering. I am as nervous as a (you know what) in church. Any words of wisdom before I start tonight? Any advice is appreciated.


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Subject : RE: First Veneering Job Tonight!!
Posted : 2005-10-14 10:07 AM
Post #32482 - In reply to #32481

Jeff, you really need to practice on some cheap veneer first. It takes a bit to get a feel for how much glue to lay down, how the veneer reacts, bleed thru. Different veneers bleed thru way worse than others. Also, ply requires a slightly bit more glue than MDF, luan ply requires more than maple or birch ply. Don't be afraid, but use common sense when applying glue, if you lay down the glue place your veneer down, push down with your hand and glue comes thru, I believe you have too much glue. I figure my glue at 300-400 sq in per Fl oz. Always mix a little more than you need, Ive run out before on a large panel and had to rush to mix some more glue quickly.

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Brian Gray

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Subject : RE: First Veneering Job Tonight!!
Posted : 2005-10-14 7:36 PM
Post #32483 - In reply to #32481

Well, one of the best teachers if trial and error.

As Earl mentioned, most likely the first thing that might go wrong would be the right amount of adhesive. I apply enough until my fingers leave little ridges when I run one through. Lately, I've been using a plastic notched trough that I got from Joe Woodworker. Whenever I use this trough, I get the right amount. If you are interested, go to Joewoodworker.com, and look for his glue spreader.

Be sure to post pictures of a finished product!

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