Darryl Keil Last Activity 2025-02-12 2:48 PM
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Tim Eastman

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Subject : Lamination thickness for curved jamb
Posted : 2020-05-06 8:40 AM
Post #37939

We are making curved jambs from sapele on a 200" radius form, 1" thick jamb thickness. We will be using West System unless Uni Bond is a better alternative. Questions: 1. It is a large radius an I think 1/4 laminations will not spring back? 2. I have used UniBond frequently, is it OK for exterior use and waht are the potential problems. West System is pretty bombproof but is a mess.
Thanks in advance.

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Darryl Keil

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Subject : RE: Lamination thickness for curved jamb
Posted : 2020-05-06 10:41 AM
Post #37940 - In reply to #37939

Unibond 800 is highly water resistant but not one hundred percent waterproof. What I say, is that exterior exposure is OK , like an exterior door or window jamb but full time out in the weather like an outdoor bench, I would stick with the epoxy.

As far as spring back, Unibond 800 is the most rigid type of glue out there so its does very well minimizing spring back. With that said, spring back with any glue is a result of three factors, thickness of the laminations, tightness of the radius and the amount of laminations in the glue up. Its not an exact science but more of a feel through experience. Here’s a guideline to consider. If, by the force of you hands, you can push the laminations about 75% of the way down on the form you will probably not get much if any spring back.

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