Darryl Keil Last Activity 2024-10-10 3:42 PM
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Subject : Odd problem with two ply and spots
Posted : 2015-08-18 8:18 PM
Post #37310

I veneered a couple MDF speakers with two ply ribbon stripe mahogany. Since the cabinets were small I used a PVA veneer glue instead of my usual Unibond. In 4 corners of the front of the cabinets I inset 4 rare earth magnets to hold the grills on . The magnets were inset about 1/16" below the surface of the mdf and then the filled in with Duhrams water putty and sanded smooth before veneering.

Last night I wiped them down with water to raise the grain and as it dried I saw dark spots appear on the veneer where the magnets are. I sanded them to knock back the grain and no more dark spots. Tonight I wiped them down with a weak transtint dye to pop the curl and the spots appeared again and darker than before.

It is clearly where the magnets are but what is causing the dark spots and any suggestions to stop this from coming back. My finishing schedule was going to be:

Shellac as a sealer and for color
Crystalac water based grain filler
Shellac to seal off grain filler
Target Water based lacquer

Thanks for any suggestions!


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Don Stephan

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Subject : RE: Odd problem with two ply and spots
Posted : 2015-08-19 6:31 PM
Post #37311 - In reply to #37310

This is only a possibility.

In some areas of the country, tap water contains iron. Rare earth magnets would concentrate the dissolved iron. Iron reacts with tannin in some woods to produce a black stain. The stain is especially strong in red oak, I have no idea whether your veneer contains tannin. When working with red oak, one tries to minimize the staining by using distilled water.

You could test for tannin by soaking for a couple days steel wool in a bit of water, then wipe the water over some red oak as a control and over a piece of your veneer.

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