Posts: 1
Joined: 2011-07-04
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I've tried veneer in the past, simple boards, but have never been satisfied with the visible line between the pannel surface and the edges.
I've purchased Darryls dvds, read a few books and read what I can find on the internet. It seems I have made two mistakes in the past. First, using paper backed veneer because the paper leaves a noticeable line. Second, using edge banding because the change in grain direction makes the line more noticeable.
I am about to try again but would like to confirm my understanding.
1) I will use raw veneer
2) The edge banding will be cut from the same piece as the pannel so that the grain lines "spill over" the edges. Pieces will be taped together
3) I will glue/press the edge first, trim flush then the pannel top.
4) light sanding with high grit paper 320
Is there anymore to it? Do people use some sort of filler at the edge?
Are people creating a slight round over/champfer at the edge so that it's not a perfect 90 degrees?
I see veneered pieces all the time that have invisible edges, so there must be one last trick or tip I'm missing!