Darryl Keil Last Activity 2025-02-12 2:48 PM
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Subject : Marquetry
Posted : 2005-07-29 7:09 PM
Post #32316

I am using marquetry on a sofa frame and would like to know what is the best glue. The marquetry has brass inlay in it as well as wood. Some of this is going to be applied to end grain of solid wood on the sofa arms. Any thoughts on that, techinques, precautions?

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Brian Gray

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Subject : RE: Marquetry
Posted : 2005-07-29 9:06 PM
Post #32317 - In reply to #32316

My adhesive choice for marquetry involving brass or any metal is epoxy. Dye it to match the background color, if you like.

My only advice on what you've mentioned, is that when you go to level the surface, (sanding or scraping) make sure to not work any brass in a given area too much at once. You can heat the brass, causing it to expand, and then it will break it's bond (I learned that the hard way...it's pretty easy to do, so be careful). Just check it for heat every so often with your hand as you work.

On the end grain, don't be afraid to use a little extra adhesive, as the end grain might soak it up more.

Good luck, and I'd love to see completed pics.

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