Darryl Keil Last Activity 2025-02-12 2:48 PM
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Don Stephan

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Joined: 2003-07-18
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Subject : Flattening
Posted : 2015-09-10 12:36 PM
Post #37319

To flatten veneer I've always used a mix suggested by Darryl Keil at Vacuum Pressing.
3 parts water
2 parts white or yellow glue
1 part liquid glycerin
1 part denatured alcohol

My question is, how "wet" do others get the veneer with the flattening solution. I've been brushing it on with a foam brush, so that the veneer still feels wet and sticky after brushing both sides and putting between pieces if fiberglas screen. So I have more moisture to absorb with newsprint in the press. I seem to remember someone suggesting just spraying a light mist on each side.

I'm wondering what others do?

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