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Replying to message 37769
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Aaron Paris

Posts: 55

Joined: 2014-11-28

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Subject : RE: Custom Bond veneer softener question
Posted : 2018-05-20 7:09 AM
Post #37769 - In reply to #37722

I have used this product and it does work. If you have a large layup like yours the key is to keep your veneers clamped between two pcs of 3/4 material to help keep them flat and not to flatten them until you are ready to start cutting. As time goes by and you work with it and air gets to it ,the veneer will slightly start to go back to wrinkled. But not to the extreme as when it was first flattened.
I had this very concern when I made a 60" round table top made from Walnut crotch and it all work out fine.

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